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In this article:
  1. BYOM - Template
    1. Model - First Sheet
    2. Practice Level - Second Sheet
    3. Model Info - Third Sheet
    4. Model Scoring
    5. Model Terms

BYOM - Template

The BYOM template file has five sheets that need to be populated for customized model ingestion into Axio360.

  • Model
  • Practice Level
  • Model Info
  • Model Scoring
  • Model Terms

Model - First Sheet

The data entered in row 2 on the Model sheet specifies the model name and version via sheet columnsModel Sheet Columns:

Column Required? Default Value Description
title yes none The data entered in the Title column becomes the model name available when creating a new assessment in Axio360.
version no 1.0 Version is a number reference specifying the model version/iteration. Version is an optional value but recommended for tracking. Used as a metadata field.

Figure 1: Showing the Model sheet using CRI v1.2 Tier 1 (CMMI) example title and version data.

Model Sheet

Practice Level - Second Sheet

The data entered on the Practice Level sheet requires more details:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Value
  • Credit
  • Dimension Name

Figure 2: Showing the Practice Level sheet using CIS example data, including defined dimensions.

Practice Level Sheet - CIS

Figure 3: Showing the Practice Level sheet using CRI v1.2 Tier 1 (CMMI) example data.

Practice Level Sheet - CRI

Column Required? Default Value Description
Name yes none Plain text name of the response level a user selects when providing assessment responses.
Description no none A description is not required but might clarify to the user what response to select.
Is N/A no none Input “TRUE” or “YES” to set the practice level as a non-applicable level.
Credit yes none The credit to be associated with a response level. This number is used in scoring.
Dimension Name no none Plain text describing the dimension. For models with a single dimension, this field can be left empty.

Figure 4 shows how a defined practice level might look in Axio360 and how the practice level values map, as indicated by the red numbers (this value mapping is not visible in the UI):

Defined Practice Levels

Figure 5 shows how dimensions are visualized in Axio360, as indicated by the red boxes:

Defined Dimensions

Model Info - Third Sheet

The Model Info sheet contains the building blocks of the model that determine the visual representation of the assessment in Axio360. The template supports one or two levels of organizational depths before the user question and response action workflow. The Model Info sheet columns are as follows:

  • Domain Name
  • Domain FQN
  • Domain Description
  • Objective Name
  • Objective FQN
  • Objective Description
  • Practice Name
  • Practice FQN
  • Practice Text
  • Practice Dimension
  • Practice Weight

Figure 6: Showing the Model Info sheet using CRI v1.2 Tier 1 (CMMI) example data.

Model Info Sheet

Objectives are an optional level of model hierarchy. If your model does not have objectives leave the Objective Name, FQN, and Description columns blank for ALL rows. Mixing Domains with objectives and without is not currently supported. Models that utilize numeric values for the Domain Name column only and do not utilize objectives have limited informative elements in the model’s left-navigation TOC or above the practices fields. Although certain columns are optional on the template, if not used, areas on the assessment view will be empty or repeat information provided on a higher-level column in the template. As a best practice recommendation, use short, descriptive title-like strings for “Name” columns and utilize the “Description” columns to provide details.

Columns Required? Default Value Description Examples based on NIST CSF
Domain Name yes none Plain text title for top-level domain. No character or length restrictions. Users should think about the readability of long names. Refer to reference 1 in the image below the table. IDENTIFY
Domain FQN yes none Plain text abbreviation of the Domain Name. Refer to reference 2 in the image below the table. ID
Domain Description no none Description for the Domain. No character or length restrictions. Refer to reference 3 in the image below the table. The Identify Function assists in developing an organizational understanding of managing cybersecurity risk to systems, people, assets, data, and capabilities.
Objective Name no none Plain text title of the Objective, also called Category. Objectives are optional. No character or length restrictions. Users should think about the readability of long names. Refer to reference 4 in the image below the table. Asset Management
Objective FQN yes, if Objective Name is specified none Combination string of Domain FQN and Objective Name abbreviation. Optional as long as no Objective Name is specified. Refer to reference 5 in the image below the table. ID.AM
Objective Description no none Plain text description covering the purpose of the specific objective. No character or length restrictions. The description opens in a modal when users click on the question mark icon next to the Objective name. Refer to reference 6 in the image below the table. The data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities that enable the organization to achieve business purposes are identified and managed consistent with their relative importance to organizational objectives and the organization`s risk strategy.
Practice Name yes none Usually a single-digit identifier for the Practice. It can be numeric, alphabetic, or a combination of both. Use a short string that suits your model best. Refer to reference 7 in the image below. 1
Practice FQN no {Objective FQN}-{Practice Name} Combination string of Objective FQN and Practice Name. Refer to reference 8 in the image below the table. It can be set manually, as for CIS Controls ID.AM-1
Practice Text no none Compliance statement for the user to respond to by selecting one of the responses populated based on the specified Name options on the Practice Level sheet. Refer to reference 9 in the image below the table. Physical devices and systems within the organization are inventoried.
Practice Dimension no none A case-sensitive, comma-delimited list of Dimension Names (matching the column of the same name in the Practice Levels sheet). These will represent the dimensions applicable to this practice. If empty, defaults to the entire list of dimensions defined in the Practice Levels sheet. Policy Defined / Policy Enforced
Practice Weight no 1 The statement’s weight relative to the other statements when the model is scored. Not visible to the user responding to the assessment. Can be left blank to use the default value of 1. 9.25925925925926

Figure 7 shows the reference numbers for the different column visualizations in the Axio360 UI:

Model information references

Model Scoring

The Model Scoring sheet defines how the model is scored and how that score is displayed in Axio360. The Model Scoring Sheet Columns are:

  • Aggregation Method
  • Decimal Places
  • Bottom of Scale
  • Top of Scale
  • Use Scaling

Figure 8: Showing the Model Scoring sheet using CIS 18 example data.

Model Scoring Sheet

Column Required? Default Value Description Example (CIS Controls)
Aggregation Method no Average The common assessment scoring method is sum. Choices are: Average, Max, Min, Sum Sum
Decimal Places no 0 Specifies the number of decimal places to show in the assessment score widget. If undefined, there will be no decimal places n/a
Bottom of Scale no 0 The lowest possible score 0
Top of Scale no 1000 The highest possible score 1000
Use Scaling no TRUE If TRUE or YES, the assessment score will be converted into a number between the bottom and top of the scale based on the percentage of credit earned from the maximum score possible. TRUE

Model Terms

The Model Terms sheet defines the terms a model displays to users. Internally, the terms used are Domain > Objective > Practice > Dimension, but these can be set to whatever is needed for any given model.

Figure 9: Showing the Model Terms sheet using CIS 18 example data.

Model Terms Sheet CIS

Figure 10: Showing the Model Terms sheet using CRI v1.2 Tier 1 (CMMI) example data.

Model Terms Sheet CRI

Column Required? Default Value Example (CIS Controls)
Singular Domain Term no Domain Control
Singular Objective Term no Objective Control
Singular Practice Term no Practice Sub-Control
Singular Dimension Term no Dimension Dimension
Plural Domain Term no Domains Controls
Plural Objective Term no Objectives Controls
Plural Practice Term no Practices Sub-Controls
Plural Dimension Term no Dimensions Dimensions